Creation Science Ministry Observational science verifies the Bible as the truth over the microbe to man Theory of Evolution in the following ways:
Living things reproduce others of their own kind (Genesis 1). We see this happening generation after generation. We have NEVER observed one kind of organism become another kind of organism. Science has shown that minor variations in traits within the kind does not lead to another kind of organism beginning its existence.
The Law of Biogenesis says that all living things come from other living things (not from non-living goo). Isn't this what we have all observed? All cells come from preexisting cells. There has never been an exception in the rule. Why should we believe that a living cell could come from non-living matter?
The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Law of Entropy show that natural systems decay into a chaotic state as they lose usable energy. The Theory of Evolution requires a more proficient and widespread use of available energy in order to produce more complex organisms. Creation science says that all organisms were made "very good" and are now in a process of decay. Which view do your observations confirm?
The Law of Cause and Effect says that the Cause must be bigger than the Effect. So, whatever produced the awe inspiring universe that we see must be bigger than the universe. How could that be an accidental process or event? How can anything so big (the universe) and small (microscopic life) be put into order and made livable by anything but Creator God?
Scientists have never observed new information being added to DNA. This would have to happen trillions of times to get enough useful information to have a microbe evolve into a man. This would have to have an increase in genetic information that we have never seen. Science has never seen codes or information come from anywhere but a source of intelligence.
All cells come from preexisting cells. There has never been an exception to this rule. Why should we believe that a living cell could come from non-living matter?
Science has never seen codes or information come from anywhere but a source of intelligence. That means that even the smallest, simplest code has an intelligent source. The English word “cat” has no meaning, les it can be recognized and interpreted by an intelligent source! When DNA is considered, it obviously had to come from an intelligent source. It is billions of times more compact than the most compact storage system devised by man. It has taken many years for man to go from a room sized data storage system to the current storage systems. The marketplace has dictated that the smartest people with the best resources are continually looking for ways to improve this technology. Then we say, “Look what we have accomplished!” But then evolutionist look at the most complex storage system known to man, (DNA) and say “That happened by pure chance”.
I hope these seven items will help you defend your faith and minister the love of Christ to the "captives" (Colossians 2:8).
Pete Greer, Bible Foundation Ministry, [email protected], 928-468-0801
I have researched the following sites and found them all to be in agreement with the young earth view of the Bible.